Employment Opportunities
Grounds Keeping
& Landscaping Technicians
for Youth & Adults,16 years of age and older.
Responsible for the routine maintenance of NHCCA beautification sites and other locations within our service area. In addition to administrative and/or transportation support with NHCCA community outreach projects, programs, and events.
Spring/Summer Landscaping includes grass cutting either by hand or using a riding lawnmower, trim/edge around walkways, flower beds, and park equipment, planting and maintaining flowers, grass, shrubs, and bushes, applying fertilizer for growth enhancement, sweeping/blowing away debris from walkways, trimming shrubs, and removal of weeds.
Spring/Summer Litter Control includes performing minor maintenance procedures on equipment utilized in grounds keeping, installing small park equipment (benches, tables, raised beds), Racking leaves and other debris from walkways, disposing of trash/litter, applying mulch, pruning bushes, and trees on the grounds, and applying pest control as needed.
Winter Safety Services include snow blowing, snow shoveling, snow/ice removal by work order, and performing minor maintenance procedures on winter service equipment as needed. (New! for 2023)